Java SE 17 Developer (1Z0-829)
Study all the topics of the Java 17 certification exam from Oracle

Functional Programming For Java LiveLessons
Start writing code in a more functional style to improve reliability, correctness, and reusability. Java’s lambda expressions are only part of the story; this course addresses how and why to use them and the design approaches that you’ll need to be effective with them.

Core Java Data Types: The Java SE 11 Developer (1Z0-819) Certification Series
A deep dive into variables, types, text and number representations, arrays, data and time representations, and lists.

Modern Java Collections
Using Java’s collections API, along with an working understanding of generics, comparisons and ordering, and more

Up and Running with The Java Platform Module System (JPMS)
Everything you’re likely to need to work effectively with the JPMS, including how to code for it and how to manage transition of a project from the classpath to the module system.

Java Programming Essentials
Solid coverage of core Java syntax elements including source code structure, packages, command line operations, operators, expressions, conditional and loop structures, basic class declaration, and basics of garbage collection.

And, historically…
Back in the days when books ruled the learning world, I wrote the Java 1.1 Developer’s Handbook with my good friend Phil Heller. I also co-wrote two certification study guides, one for the Sun Microsystems’ Java language certifications, and one for the Java Architect certification. Both of those were translated into many languages, and even though I couldn’t read most of them, I was always pleased when the publisher sent me a copy of one.
More recently, I’ve co-written over 150 short quiz articles for Oracle’s Java Magazine with another friend Mikalai Zaikin. Find them here.